
Showing posts from May, 2016


♦ RIGHTEOUSNESS is the ability and Privilege granted us by a Holy God to now boldly come into His Holy Presence without any sense of Sin Consciousness,sense of unworthiness,guilt,inferiority Complex,and Condemnation.           -It is our POWER to Stand Right with God that makes us feel Right about Ourselves and God,giving Us the POWER to Live Right before God.            -You can't earn Righteousness by your good works,conduct and Self-Effort. It is given to us as a gift of grace when we receive Christ as our saviour.        .                          ♥ Romans 3:24-26 KJV Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:    [25] Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation t...


♦ ARE YOU LIVING IN THE OVERFLOW?             -OUR HEAVENLY FATHER'S DESIRE FOR US  HIS CHILDREN IS THAT WE ENJOY A LIFE OVERFLOWING WITH HIS BLESSINGS,NOT A LIFE LIMITED BY INSURMOUNTABLE CIRCUMSTANCES OF LIFE.                 * Can you Imagine a Victoria falls kind of Overflowing Abundance. (In Zambezi River in Zambia of about 1mile wide)One of the 7wonders of the World.        -That is the Picture and Image God wants us to Have of an Overflowing Life of Abundance and Peace. ♦ THE REALM OF OVERFLOW IS THE REALM OF THE SUPERNATURAL, THE REALM OF GOD,WHERE ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.                   *The Realm of More Than Enough and Too Much.2ndChron.20:25            ...