
Showing posts from October, 2014


♦ THE GOSPEL IS ALL ABOUT THE GOOD NEWS OF WHAT THE GRACE OF CHRIST DID FOR US AND PROVIDED FOR US ALL.                              * Gal.1:5-6msg"Glory to God forever! Oh, yes! 6  I can't believe your fickleness—how easily you have turned traitor to him who called you by the grace of Christ by embracing a variant message!"            -A Variant message places your Effort as the Key factor to what is able to happen in your does not focus on what God's Grace  has Done for you and is Able to do for you and through you.            -A Variant message focuses on what you must Do to get God to Bless you,approve and Accept focuses on your Self-righteousness and outward good deeds to get God to Do Something for you.        ...


FAITH Cometh by hearing the WORD OF GOD,,and FAITH is Cultivated through FELLOWSHIP.                     * Romans 10:17 KJV So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.        -As you Spend Time in the Word and Prayer,your Faith is Built Up as your Fellowship with the Father is Strengthened.                     *1 Corinthians 1:9 KJV God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.    ♦FAITH IS CULTIVATED AND DEVELOPED THROUGH FELLOWSHIP WITH THE FATHER.            - OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT OF OUR FAITH WALK.                ...


♦ONCE YOU GET TO UNDERSTAND THE SECRET OF GREAT FAITH,YOU CAN EASILY RECEIVE ANY KIND OF BREAKTHROUGHS AND MIRACLES FROM GOD.            -Because of the Covenant of Grace Enacted through the Shed Blood of JESUS CHRIST, everything Wrong in our Relationship with God has been made Right,so that Nothing Can Disqualify us from Receiving Anything Good from God.         -We are Now QUALIFIED and MADE FIT to Receive of our Inheritance in Christ.                   ♥ Col.1.12amp."Giving thanks to the Father, Who has qualified and made us fit to share the portion which is the inheritance of the saints (God 's holy people) in the Light."        -We Thank God for what we Know He Has Already Given Us as our Right of Inheritance to Receive.We have the Faith of God to Receive what God has ...


TO MAKE YOUR LIFE COUNT ,YOU NEED TO KNOW YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE OR THE REASON WHY YOU ARE HERE ON EARTH.             -To Know why you were born into this planet at such a time like this,you must begin with GOD ALMIGHTY YOUR CREATOR.          * COL.1:16Msg"For everything,absolutely everything,above and below,visible and invisible....every thing got started in him and finds its purpose in HIM"        - Only in GOD can you discover your origin,identity,meaning, significance and destiny. ♦NOTHING TRANSFORMS A LIFE LIKE A PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE.               * THE WORD DRIVE means to guide,to control,or to direct.(to be directed and controlled by a force)               * ECCL.4:4Lb"I Observed that the basic motive for success is th...


♦WHEN YOU GET BORN AGAIN, you are made a king and a priest and you RECEIVE also a DOUBLE PORTION OF SPEAKING POWER because of your Kingly and Priestly Anointing.                       * 1 Peter 2:9 KJV But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:            -Royalty speaks of kingship and Reigning.We are both kings and priests in the NEW COVENANT OF GRACE.            -Both kings and priests have Speaking POWER and our WORDS Carry Power and Authority. OUR WORDS CARRY POWER.     * ECCL.8:4"Where the word of a king is,there is power."         -We have the Authority of Christ gi...


THE WORD REIGN comes from the Greek word BASILEUO ,from where we get the English word BASILICA (in ancient Rome,basilicas were used as LAW COURTS.)           -So Basileuo refers to a Kingly Judicial Rule.GOD wants us to reign as kings with judicial power and authority as a king and a judge exercises on Earthly affairs.                - WE REIGN and exercise our Royal Kingly authority over every Earthly circumstances and challenges of life "SIMPLY BY OUR WORDS" ♦The word of GOD makes us to understand that as SAINTS OF GOD,the way we BLESS our FATHER in heaven is by Speaking of HIS GLORY AND POWER.      * Psalms 145:10-11 KJV All thy works shall praise thee, O Lord ; and thy saints shall bless thee.  They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power;             -To ...


♦The Devil is not interested in your Beautiful Car,Wife,Children and Good Job, but his main Business Interest is Going after Stealing the Word of God from your HEART.             * Mark 4:14 KJV The sower soweth the word .      -AS the SEED OF GOD'S WORD IS SOWN,the devil goes after his Business to take it away.            * Mark 4:15 KJV And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts.MATH.13:19 ♦THE WORD OF GOD IS THE SOLUTION AND ANSWER TO EVERY PROBLEM AND ISSUES OF LIFE.              -The devil is after the Key that Opens to you the TREASURES OF HEAVENS and grants to you Permanent Deliverance from ALL his DESTRUCTIVE WORKS.       ...