♦Every Believer Is Expected to Enjoy the GOOD LIFE that Christ brought for Us to the Full until it Overflows to touch the World Around Us. *John.10.10amp."The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)." -Even from the Very Beginning of Creation,God after Evaluating His Work of Creation,said it was Good and Pleasant. * In Gen.1:31amp."And GOD SAW everything that He had made and Behold,It was very GOOD(Suitable,Pleasant)and He Approved it Completely.And there was Evening and there was Morning,a Sixth Day." -When God is thinking of your Life,He has a Planned Enjoyable Life Lined out for you.God Loves to See you Enjoy your Life in Christ. -When God is Thinking of a"GOOD ENJO...